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Our Product Review Guidelines

Your RV isn’t just a vehicle to get you from place to place.

It’s your home, your safe place, your refuge from any storm.

It should be a place you can always seek comfort and solace in, and a place that you’re always happy to return to.

Here at RV Properly, our aim is to help you turn your RV into a true home. But this doesn’t happen overnight. It’s made up of many components, from the refrigerator, to small things like the sofa cover.

We know that every piece matters, and that’s why we are committed to finding only the very best, even for something as minor as your TV antenna.

To achieve that, every recommendation in our guides is put through our stringent guidelines:

Rules We Abide By

These are the things we implement in every one of our reviews to ensure their integrity.

Make Sure Our recommendations are Dependable and reliable

Above all else, whatever is in your RV mustn’t fail you when you’re on the road, because it’s very likely that you won’t be near anywhere you can get a replacement.

That’s why the first thing we look at for our reviews is always whether a product can weather tough elements. We do so by looking at many different indicators, starting with user reviews.

Forage and look through all the user reviews we can find

Perhaps the strongest indicator of a product’s solidity is positive user reviews.

Even if we may have a good experience with a product, that doesn’t mean that everyone else will. Likewise, even if we receive a defective product, for all we know, everyone else got a good one.

The point is that we can’t speak for the majority, so the only way to build an accurate picture of a product that we can ethically share with you is by factoring in what others say about it.

For every recommendation we make, we search high and low in every place possible to gather as much data as we can on what others are saying about it. We look on Amazon, the brand’s website, Reddit, and even ask others that we meet at campgrounds.

Scrutinize track record of brand and past versions of product

Another way that we ensure a product can be depended on is by looking at past versions of it and its brand.

No matter how good a product is, if a brand’s quality control is loose, even its best products will be manufactured poorly. Customer service is also of paramount importance because even the best products break down at times. The last thing you want is to be ghosted when you need help or are trying to claim your warranty.

That’s why we make it a point to thoroughly analyze a brand’s history and dig up any evidence of a brand being unreliable.

If a product has past versions, we also look into them and see if the past versions are solid.

Reveal hidden catches

Certain brands (no names mentioned) seem to have awesome offerings at first glance, but have a catch that they make hard to find.

As RVers with more than a decade of full-time RV living experience combined, we’ve all at one point fallen prey to such ploys. As such, we’re familiar with the pitfalls to look out for, such as clauses in fine print, limitations in warranties, and so on.

We’re always on the lookout for these, and we bring them to your attention whenever we discover them. Here’s one such example.

Make sure to always include Good Products From all Price Ranges

Not everyone has money to spare or needs to live in luxury. We get that.

Our roundup reviews always feature products from a wide range of prices to cater to different budgets.

Practices We Steer Clear Of

These are practices we are strongly against and that you will NEVER see on RV Properly.

Accepting Sponsorships

If a brand offers us money to feature their product high up on our roundup review, we believe it’s likely to be subpar.

Even if it wasn’t, we refuse to let anything cloud our impartial judgments, so we don’t, and will never accept sponsorships.

Recommending only Expensive Products

This isn’t actually morally wrong, because you get what you pay for. Better choices are indeed pricier, so if we wanted to show you only the very best on the market, we would only be able to include expensive products.

However, we want to ensure that every RVer finds what they’re looking for, so it’s one of our guiding principles to have products from every price range.